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Why Credit Union Marketing Doesn’t Work (and How to Fix It!)

Bo McDonald - Your Marketing Co
Written By: Bo McDonald

If you’ve ever felt like shouting into the void when promoting your credit union, you’re not alone. It can feel like no one’s listening, and you’re left wondering why your perfectly crafted messages aren’t landing. But fear not! We’re diving into three reasons why credit union marketing often falls flat—and, more importantly, how we can turn things around.

1. Too Focused on Products, Not People

The Problem: Let’s face it, folks. We’ve all been guilty of pushing products a little too hard. It’s easy to get caught up in promoting that low-interest rate or the latest loan offer. But the truth is, our members (and potential members) aren’t just looking for a financial product. They’re looking for a partner who understands their needs and dreams.

The Fix: Shift the focus to storytelling. Share member success stories, community involvement, and real-life examples of how your credit union makes a difference. Showcase the people behind the numbers and the community you’re building. This approach not only humanizes your brand but also creates an emotional connection that a mere product can’t.

2. Boring and Bland Messaging

The Problem: Credit unions often struggle with messaging that feels dry as toast. Whether it’s due to compliance fears or simply playing it safe, the end result is content that’s forgettable and fails to engage. In a world where people are bombarded with information, bland just won’t cut it.

The Fix: Inject some personality! It’s time to embrace a more relaxed and conversational tone. Don’t be afraid to have fun with your messaging—use humor, get creative with visuals, and try out different formats like videos or podcasts. Remember, your credit union is part of a vibrant community, and your messaging should reflect that energy.

3. Ignoring the Digital Landscape

The Problem: Sticking to traditional marketing channels and underestimating the power of digital marketing is a big mistake. Many credit unions are still lagging in their online presence, missing out on opportunities to engage with younger, tech-savvy audiences.

The Fix: Go digital and go big! Invest in a user-friendly website, active social media presence, and targeted digital ads. Use data to understand your audience’s online behavior and tailor your campaigns accordingly. And don’t forget about SEO—make sure your content is optimized so people can actually find you. The digital world is your oyster, so don’t be afraid to dive in.

By focusing on people over products, spicing up your messaging, and embracing digital channels, you can breathe new life into your marketing efforts. Remember, it’s all about connecting with your community in a meaningful way.

So, let’s ditch the old playbook and start making waves together! For over 15 years, we’ve helped credit unions grow their digital presence through vibrant messaging that puts people first. And we’re eager to help yours too.

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